Mindlessly putting away my laundry/tidying up my room in preperation for the week ahead of me it hit me - I have way to many "things".
Now, I am aware that getting rid of all of these things and attempting to live the strict minimalist lifestyle will be next to impossible. I do believe I should begin to seirously take stock of all the posessions that I have in my life.
Do I really need all of these "things"?
To begin I suppose I should admit a couple of things:
1. I am a self-confessed materialistic person.
2. I shop, a lot. When I say a lot I mean every second day (easily).
3. I like to have variety in everything (clothing, books, music, even blank notebooks!)
At this point my epihany was only taking into consideration all of the material things that I own so I began to think about all of the other things that I mindlessly spend my money on... Coffee, snacks at school (I have perfectly good food at home), junk food, magazines (I read them once - if that), and countless other things. Let's face it, this is incredibly unnecessary. So my challenge for the next 6 weeks is to attempt to live as close to a minimalist lifestyle as I possibly can. Clearly there will be exceptions and rules which I will lay out, and in order to stay accountable I will continue to update and those close to me in life will - hopefully - keep me in check.
1. For the following 6 weeks I will not:
- purchase any new or used clothing
- purchase any new or used books
- purchase CD's or DVD's
- purchase food or drinks from the cafeteria at school.
2. Once a week am I able to eat at a restaurant and I must be accompanied by someone. If possible I need to make use to the coupon book that I purchased.
3. Tea is the only acceptable purchase when at Starbucks. Remedy is allowed a max of 3 times in the following 6 weeks.
4. Online shopping in unaccetable, regardless of when the shipment will be recieved.
5. I must take the time to go through all of my possessions and purge anything unused or unwanted.
6. Gifts for others are an acceptable purchase.
7. Everytime I cheat or faulter I must add another week onto the end of my challenge.
8. Instead of shopping I will spend my time drawing/painting/reading/crafting or anything else productive.
9. I will make a valiant effort to search out free activities to do in Edmonton.
10. Groceries are always allowed to be purchased, except for junk food. I will abstain for the 6 weeks.
I am almsot positive there are things that I am forgetting which I will gladly add during one of my many updates.
I vow from this moment on (for the next 6 weeks), I will live on the bare minimum. If for any other reason but to prove it to myself.
Be well.
oooh so cool Becky! Good luck with everything. I can't wait to read about your adventures. You should check out this blog for inspiration. http://www.theminimalistmom.com/