
Saturday, 4 February 2012

Day one.

So far so good!

I figured in light of the 6 weeks minimalist challenge I am doing I would also join the herd of sheep in Instagram and do a photo challenge as well. I put a little twist on it though, instead of only doing February I will be doing a photo a day for all 6 weeks. I combined a couple different lists of photo-a-day pictures and this is what I came up with:
1. You
2. Hands
3. A stranger
4. Breakfast
5. 10 am
6. Something that makes you happy
7. Inside your closet
8. Something you wear
9. Your sky
10. Where you sleep
11. Water
12. Something you adore
13. Someone you love
14. Blue
15. Heart
16. Phone
17. Your shoes
18. Something you're listening to
19. Nature
20. Something you're reading
21. Something you made
22. Reflection
23. Light
24. In your bag
25. Something old
26. Guilty pleasure
27. Color
28. Sweet
29. Lunch
30. Happiness
31. Daily routine
32. Time
33. Handwriting
34. Something you hate to do
35. Front door
36. Favorite place
37. Dinner
38. Button
39. Money
40. Dinner
41. Something new
42. You, again

Since this is day one here is photo one:
Disclaimer: I took this one about a week ago.

Tomorrow is another day.
Be well.

1 comment:

  1. cool ideas added! I wish I was doing your photo challenge now haha
