
Monday, 23 January 2012

12 at 12(ish).

I found this idea on a friends blog (thanks again Arianne). Since I haven't had time to come up with a legitimate blog for the last little while I thought that I would put together this, just to stay updated.

I understand the idea here is to compile a list of the events occuring that aren't quite enough to fill a blog on their own.

1. I finally converted to an iPhone. Yes I realize this may make me a hypocrite but I will publically recall everything heinous I ever said about iPhone's and touch screen phones in general. Getting an iPhone was one of the best life decisions that I have ever made. It is much more simple to use than anything else I have ever owned, not to mention it's is much more pleasing to the eye.

2. We had a mini fire happen in our house this past week. Turns out the electrical in the majority of the complex that I live in is shoddy. The 1970's did not have a strict code in which to build houses and so the electrical fails on a regular basis (a large portion of the time ending in a fire.) We had no power for a couple of days while we had an electrician go through our home coating all of our electrical outlets and lights with a material that should prevent anymore fires from breaking out *fingers crossed*. I'm a little confused as to why they don't renovate properly and bring the bulding up to code.

3. I had the opportunity a couple weekends ago to photography a large U of A business conference that my brother hosted. Officially it is called JDCWest, when I told people this I recieved countless blank looks and so I have resorted to just taking the time to explain what was happening in full. Basically, business students from across western Canada come to Edmonton and compete in a variety of activities. Some were debates and mock business presentations (at least I believe they were mock) as well as sports activities, and I joined them for the weekend to witness everything happening. Interesting to say the least, and it exceeded every expectation that I had for the weekend. Surprisingly I learned a great deal (I also realized how little I know about business practices) and I met some pretty interesting people. Here is one of my favorite shots from the weekend!
(Yes I may be biased when it comes to the school.)
Don't mind the black bar impeding in on the photgraph, I learnt pretty quickly you take the shot when you can get it, things move pretty fast that whole weekend.

4. I have started frequenting the gym (again), I've realized I am a much more pleasant person when I have endorphins running through my body. Healthy = happy!

5. My new craft idea is homemade bracelets, hopefully this weekend I have a chance to take a stab at them and see if I can work my hand at some pretty jewllery.

6. Spaghetti squash was cooked in our house for the first time and we all realized how much we love it. I have a feeling it will become a staple in our diets.

7. I discovered Instagram (just as everyone else with a iPhone apparently) and I have become slightly obsessed. I like to photograph everything, why not share it instantly?

Ok so I couldn't think of 12, and so for now I have stopped at seven. Maybe there is something others can add?

I have a large pile of reading that is not doing itself and so I should tackle some of that.

Stay lovely.

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