Everything about the trip made life seem so easy, a smile was effortless, and there was no time limit on anything that we did (except leaving Whistler at a decent time to come home).
The whole weekend was full of laughs, jokes, and new adventures for all of us. It was amazing!
I have to admit that I was a little nervous about being the only lady on the trip, I felt like the things I wanted to do would get pushed aside, that the entire weekend would be full of guy talk, I would find myself spending more time alone than I would have preferred, or the worst: not being able to stop and pee as many times as I knew I inevitably would have to!

I wont bore you with 700 details about every little moment of the trip, but I did want to share with you the feelings and emotions that taking a little getaway can provide you with. Especially if you are someone like me who has left their heart in the mountains only to go back and retrieve it once a year (or so...)

It gives you amazing perspective on the way we live our day to day lives, we spend so much time rushing to get to work or home from work or to an appointment. You begin to lose touch with the rest of your life, and taking a couple extra minutes in the morning to sit and drink a cup of coffee, or chat with your cat in the morning. I think I spend way to much time toiling over anything and everything and I get caught up in the anxiety that I feel about things that I really cannot help.

Time just managed to get away from us that evening, and we didn't leave the beach until after the sun went down. Honestly though, give us a case of beer and we probably would have sat on the rocks for the rest of the night until we could see the sun come up.
I could likely go on about how glorious this trip was, how much I want to go back, and how much I really did not want to come home... but that wont change the fact that I have to wait a little bit until I can head out to the mountains again! Until then, I will reminisce about how great the mountains are, my reaffirmed love of BC, the utter serenity of the ocean and how great getting away even for a couple of days can be!
The boys were wonderful, they did not make me feel out of the loop at all through the whole weekend! I even confirmed my ability to be a wonderful doting human and cooked them dinner/breakfast a couple of times!
With this, I will leave you with a little more ocean/mountain spam, because - why not?
I have not even plugged the fancy camera in yet and I am loving the pictures I took with my cell phone. Especially this last one. I MEAN COME ON! The most beautiful thing in the world is photographed for your viewing pleasure right below!
Be well.
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