As many of you lovelies already know, there has been a new addition made to our little household! His name is Corbin, and he is a sweet little ginger kitten.
I thought now would be an excellent time to share his story so everyone knows how he came into my life!
As most things in my life it began with a simple text message from a friend of mine; in a small panic she asked if I would mind keeping a couple kittens in my bathroom overnight so that they would not be taken to the SPCA by an unpleasant man that will remain nameless. However, we ran into the small problem of me not being back in the city from my vacation yet. So, I suggested that she contact my younger brother to get the keys to our apartment and she would be able to let herself in and situate the kittens safely in the washroom! TimTam agreed (although he was not made aware of a number of the details until I had pressured him to agree)!

The next day I arrived home in the early evening and promptly rushed to my bathroom, since I was very aware that there was still four kittens playing amongst themselves! I opened the door and immediately died of a cuteness overload! In front of my eyes there were four tiny adorable (and somewhat frightened) little babies trying to figure out why their lives were being uprooted. Admittedly, I sat in my washroom playing with them all for almost an hour! Sending text messages back and forth to my friend who was very concerned that she was inconveniencing me with this litter! She was most definitely the furthest thing from right about that! I was in love with the fact that I had all of these bundles of love under my roof!

After a couple of hours I grew quite attached to them all, but knowing full well I could not keep all of them I focused my attention on one specifically. He seemed to have a much more calm demeanour about him, and was content to watch his brothers and sister play for the most part and only chose to join in when he saw the moment to be fitting. It was clear he would much rather cuddle with someone and enjoy chasing his own tail (how could you not be enamoured with such a kitty)!
Eventually the kittens had to be brought back to their own home where they were comfortable and a small five year old was eagerly waiting, so my friend swung by to pick them up. I slyly asked how upsetting the family would be if I was to keep one of the kittens for my own benefit! With the most sincere thank you I have ever received it was agreed that I would keep the baby boy I fell so in love with! We chased the rest of the kittens around the house trying to catch them and I bid the other three goodbye while clutching my kitten!

Next came the process of naming my new friend! I knew in my heart that he needed something beginning with 'C' because on either side of his body he has somewhat of an abstract 'C' in his fur! We began to narrow down the possibilities, quickly phasing out names such as Clemence and Cory etc! I was also shot down pretty quickly when I suggested a strong name such as Colonel Fluffster Mc Cutepants (or something equally as degrading). Eventually TimTam and I agreed Corbin fit nicely, especially since I feel that all animals need some sort of adorable human name!

The next couple of nights were unbelievable and rough, it turns out that having a new kitten is pretty comparable to having a child! I was up all night with him while he cried for his brothers, sister and mum and I spent a greater part of the next couple of days trying to comfort him and help him get used to his new surroundings! However, it has been a couple weeks now and he has settled in very comfortably!

I cannot explain the amount of love that I get from him everyday! To cuddling with me when I go to sleep, to a very excited greeting when I get home from work! He is always there to fall asleep on my face, or play with my toes while I watch tv! He even sits with me to watch me as I paint and will attempt to type while I blog or text!
Call me a crazy cat lady if you must, but this little guy is pretty much the greatest and I will use any excuse to talk about him! He is exactly what I was looking for and he fills the void in my heart that Freddy used to fill for me! Even TimTam and Corbin have created a small bromance!
I am not even slightly sorry that there is an obscene amount of cat spam here, he's just the more adorable fluff ball!
Be Well!
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