As per the request of the lovely Arianne Bieber (keep in mind, I still want to use Leishman), I am posting the easiest recipe that I have ever come across! Not only is it easy as all get out it is delicious, like mind-blowingly delicious.
Chia Seed Pudding
What you need:
3 1/2 tbsp chia seeds
1 cup non-dairy milk (preferably a sweetened, but non flavoured one)
1/2 tsp vanilla
something to flavour it with just before serving
What to do:
1. Combine the chia seeds, milk, and vanilla in a sealed container and stir.
2. Place in fridge, stirring every half an hour or so for the first two hours.
3. Let sit between 2 hours and overnight.
4. Serve and enjoy!
I topped mine with cinnamon when I served it, and it was TO DIE FOR! Nutmeg, cardamon, brown sugar, agave nectar, fresh fruit, chocolate syrup or billions of other things could be delicious atop this easy creation!
It has a similar consistency to tapioca pudding but has a ridiculous number of benefits such as fiber, protein, blood sugar balancing, omega-3, and anti-oxidants. I could go on, but I am sure by this time you have tasted your concoction and have been sold based on the delicious flavour alone!
Don't stop with chia seeds and pudding either, these puppies are versatile! Add them to salad, pasta, cereal, smoothies, basically anything you eat!
I hope I managed to convince you how amazing these little guys are!
Be well!
I'm convinced! Thanks for sharing. I need to make this asap!