Just a quick blog post for everyone, simply because someone special requested it!
The other night I made raw almond butter. I needed it for a recipe that I was working on, and when I found out that it was $12 for a jar at the grocery store (ridiculous I know!) I felt like I could make this myself at home.
I was unbelievably surprised at how easy it was to do. All you need is one ingredient and a food processor.
I took 2 cups of raw unsalted almonds and threw them into the food processor and hit blend!
The only thing that was concerning is how the almonds look and act while they are being processed. I wasn't sure if everything was correct while it was happening so I just want to let everyone know what is going to happen while these almonds are going through their stages.
First, they will get ground up and have the consistency of ground flax (sort of). You have to stop the processor and push the almonds back down quite often in the first couple of minutes. Then we will begin to kind of stick together and ball up together. Keep pushing the almonds back down and keep going! The natural oils are releasing from the almonds which ends up giving it a buttery consistency. Once they begin to get buttery, keep an eye on the food processor and once you reach the consistency you like (I left mine a little bit mealy) and then you're done!
It is supposed to last about 2 weeks in the refrigerator, and you can use it in a thousand delicious recipes. I just happened to make a raw vegan stir fry with it! Yummm.
so easy-peasy! Who knew?? Thanks for sharing