Day 18: Childhood story
I feel like the most prominent story in my childhood that I look back at with fondness quite often is the day that a creek stole my flip flop!
Let me start from the beginning. It was a summer day and I was playing with my brother and friends in our backyard, which we were growing quite bored of. So we decided that it would be a good idea to make our way down to a part of the creek behind my house that had a small waterfall and a large pipe that the stream flowed into. In order to get to this area though we had to jump over a fence and run through the neighbours backyard which we seemingly had no issues doing. We spent hours down in that area just pretending that we were The Boxcar Kids (I truly hope some of you catch this reference), we had completely different lives when we were there. I remembering feeling so free and so adult, to this day it is one of my favourite places in the world!
So, after a couple of hours we felt like it was probably time to head back home! In order to do so we had to cross back over the stream and for whatever reason I decided to walk across a fallen log in the creek instead of taking the easy route over the top of the huge pipe. I felt like I was doing well until I slipped on a wet spot and fell right into the creek, it wasn't deep and there was no risk of drowning don't worry! I was shocked that something so silly had happened to me, but I quickly went right to confusion because my foot was lodge into the thick mud of the bottom of the creek! I pulled it out and to my dismay my shoe did not come with my foot. We spent half an hour trying to find my flip flop with no luck! So with sadness and shame I walked back to the house soaking wet and with one single shoe!
As chapped as I was that I was soaked and shoeless I loved that day and I remember how blessed my childhood was that I was surrounded by such natural beauty and the insane amount of creativity we possessed to play for hours with nothing but nature!
Day 19: My 5 favourite blogs!
In no particular order.
1. Arianne - I love her view on the world and what goes on in it! She is stunning, amazing, positive and so spiritual that it blows me away! I could spend hours reading and re-reading about her adventures!
2. Alex - She is raising an outstandingly beautiful family! Her girls are gorgeous and I feel as if I know them, even though I've only met one as a tiny little baby!
3. - So many crafts, recipes and other inspiring things! I love it all!!!
4. - Vegan recipes for days, and every one of them that I have tried is fluffing delicious!
5. - She talks about real things that some people are afraid to admit! She acknowledges some ridiculous single girl behaviour, or just girl behaviour in general! She possesses an amazing talent for hysterical writing!
Day 20: Something I struggle with.
I have high anxiety, so lets be real. I struggle with a lot of things on a daily basis! Right now the biggest one would be, dealing with change! For those of you who know me well know that I have a very clear plan in life and any little hiccup can wreck things pretty intensely! Right now in my life things are very up in the air and it is hard for me to get up and out of bed and seize the day like I know that I should. There are parts of my life that I thought were set in stone and I was able to stop worrying about, but I have very recently been proven wrong! I am working to let it go, and be easy and just make the best of the situation. Dang is it ever hard though!
Day 21: My favourite blog archives.
Bahhhh... I can't do this one! I know, total cop out! I think all of my posts have been equally great thus far... nothing is standing out!
Day 22: My rant.
This one is so easy for me, right now away! I want to rant about the stigma that people seem to have about body types! People come in all difference shapes and sizes and it is time that we recognize each and every single one of them is beautiful in their own way! We need to stop telling people what their measurements should be, or that they are only beautiful if they fit into a size 6! Curvy women, and curvy men are also beautiful! We need to stop with this idea of the "ideal body shape". The ideal body shape is human shaped! Do you have a torso, arms and legs? Then you are perfect! Heck, you don't even need to have arms and legs. If you have a heart, a mind and all the organs you need to stay alive you are a stunning and gorgeous individual!! As long as you are able to honour yourself, have confidence in yourself and use the talents and positive traits you have been given you are beautiful!
I will say this again, and I will say it till the day I die: Stop focusing on the numbers on the scale or the numbers on your clothing tags! Embrace all the beauty you possess!
Day 23: Things I've learned that school did not teach me.
- How to effectively grocery shop for a week (or so) worth of meals. This is a sad thing to admit, but there are nights where I eat Tutti Frutti and half a bottle of wine for dinner...
- Taxes happen, every year!
- Room mates will get on your nerves, moreso than siblings.
- You actually have to continuously clean your house (what!?)
- Having the ability to write a killer paper will mean nothing if you have no life skills to apply to a pretty crappy job you may have to work (something about paying your dues...)
I am positive that I could go on, but I will stop for now.
Kind of caught up, again!
Things have been really insane with work and life the last couple of weeks! I seem to pass the days away without even realizing it sometimes! My hope is that life calms down and I am able to breath and enjoy the beautiful weather we seem to be having lately!
Be well.